Opera Philadelphia

Shorts: Opera Boldly Goes...

Sunday, Oct. 2, 1:30 p.m.
Philadelphia Film Center
Part of Opera on Film
Part of Festival O22

A selection of short film submissions that boldly go where no opera has gone before. 

Erwartung / EXPECTATION (2021, featuring Timothy McDevitt and Renate Rohlfing, directed by George R. Miller) 
A live-action, contemporary adaptation of Arnold Schoenberg's song 'Erwartung' (from Vier Lieder, Op. 2, No.1), Erwartung / EXPECTATION recontextualizes the salon-like qualities of western lieder performance to a surrealistic bistro — told through the lens of a cabaret singer's reflection on a fever-dream encounter with a ghostly muse. (4:53)

Three Romances with Nikola Printz (2022, composed and directed by Erling Wold) 
After three productions were cancelled in the first pandemic year, mezzo-soprano Nikola Printz and composer Erling Wold decided to produce three short operatic films in three styles - three responses to danger, each with its own approach to voice and visuals. (13:43) 

Jabberwocky (2020, composed by Rene Orth and directed by Zachary James) 
A music video of Lewis Carroll’s poem from his 1871 novel Through the Looking Glass, scored by composer Rene Orth for singer Zachary James. (7:09) 

Ātman (2021, written directed, and produced by Bruno Soares) 
A visual poem from Portuguese director Bruno Soares. After a confrontation between the protagonist (Mauro Ramos) and Death, he faces several changes until realizing that evil is always in him. (16:22) 

Be a Doll (2019, music, libretto, design, direction, and performance by Alexa Dexa) 
A woman struggles with perfectionist and submissive conditioning in a world that commands her to be a doll.” Living in a dollhouse filled with functioning toy versions of household items, she reluctantly carries out the traditional role of woman as pretty plaything and keeper of the home. (8:29) 

Entry (2022, directed by Raviv Ullman, produced by Long Beach Opera) 
Driven by a frenzied score and stunning choreography, Entry follows one woman’s journey as she revisits key moments of the last year — in order to find her voice. With music by Alex Simon and a libretto by Bird’s Nest Family, Entry was developed in collaboration with indigenous artists based in Ogaa Po Ogeh — the occupied Tewa territory known as Santa Fe, New Mexico. This art-forward film examines the nature of isolation, activation, transformation, and reintegration.(13:00) 

A Thing I Cannot Name (2021, directed by Aoife Spillane-Hinks, produced by Irish National Opera) 
Three women (sopranos Kelli Ann Masterson and Rachel Goode and mezzo Aebh Kelly). All different. Connected only by the intensity of their wildly dissimilar desires. Through their letters, their voices join each other across time, in an attempt to give name to their desires. With music by Amanda Feery and a libretto by Megan Nolan. (21:52) 

MapPhiladelphia Film Center

Dates are in 2022.

Sun, Oct 2 1:30 p.m.

Approximately 90 minutes

Language: English, German, and Portuguese with English subtitles

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